Saturday, May 15, 2010


Hello Friends and Fans! :)

So I have been so blessed to be SO INCREDIBLY BUSY over the last few months-HOWEVER, it has overwhelmed my computer time (that's right-less Farmville-haha-GO AHEAD-judge, BUT I guarantee if you have ever played and have ANY slight OCD tendencies you have been just as addicted to the little Zynga game monster known as "Farmville!" as I have) Therefore, the success of my new business has distracted my previous determination of blogging all of my photo projects! The good news is, clients, I've spent more time editing and producing AMAZING images-YAY! ;) ;) AND I am so humbled at how quickly I have received referrals and loyal clients (scheduling more than one photo session with me at a time!!! How AWESOME IS THAT?!?!) HOORAY!

So if I have shot with you and delivered your collection, I apologize for not photo journalizing our fun experience! :) This does not mean that I didn't like our shots-or that I don't like YOU (Cause so far I've grown to love all of you-I really have!) it's just that the ENTIRE MONTH OF APRIL was booked with photo sessions, destination weddings, vacation, and editing and being "SuperMom" somewhere in between! (AND I started teaching Kick-boxing Aerobics classes at the Natural Answer Wellness Center here in Sparta, Tennessee too! CRAZY CRAZY BUSY! :)

This has been my DREAM for such a long time-Photographing special moments, capturing the essence of LOVE and LIFE, meeting new friends, traveling the world, teaching kick-boxing, all while having the opportunity of spending more time with my little boy, Cade! A year ago, it seemed impossible that so many aspects of my life would come together the way I wanted...but that's the power of prayer, of faith, of a loving & supportive partner/family/friends, AS WELL AS of hard work and determination-thank you God for not allowing me to lose sight of my vision of my life, or my purpose you revealed to me last Spring....together all of these elements have contributed to my energetic & fulfilling journey in 2010! What a journey!!!

Thank you all for making it come true! I am forever grateful for YOU-My supportive friends and family! And Joseph, thank you for supporting my photographic passions, crazy late night editing sessions, and constant snapping of photos at random-I am so blessed to have you in my life!

May blessings of life and love always fall upon you all! =)

Love & Light Always,

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